Written by Desmore Samios – Public Speaking Coach, Podcast Host, Motivational Speaker www.desmoremedia.com
Public Speaking can often leave many feeling an overwhelming sense of anxiety and fear. So often we don’t think about our message, our innate storytelling ability and fostering our own natural expression. Instead we focus on our fears and trying to be a perfect version of ourselves. Most importantly thinking about what others will say and think about us on stage.
Think about your message first and foremost and think about how your story can inspire others. What if your story can heal or transform your audience lives? Think about your gifts, talents and authentic contribution to the world around you and beyond.
So often great storytellers become trapped in the expectation that they have to become someone else in order to shine. I want you to think about people who inspire you heart and soul. Pay attention to how they make you feel, think about the human connection you have fostered by being in their presence. When you are yourself on stage or in the world people can feel it. I believe that an audience can often find it difficult to relate to robotic gestures instead they enjoy feeling a genuine connection with the speaker.
Over the past few years I have learnt about the art of connection. When you connect with people soul to soul, being to being you establish a common bond that becomes a powerful exchange of wisdom. I love helping my clients become powerful storytellers, most importantly fostering their own unique expression. You have what it takes, believe in yourself and your story.